The Booty Report

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Arrr, if the Biden be impeached, the GOP be in troubled waters, and the land be tossed asunder!


Arrr, the scuttlebutt be that them House Republicans be feelin' right pleased at the thought o' bringin' a vote to impeach President Joe Biden. Aye, 'tis a jolly good time for all who be wantin' to take down the Captain!

Ahoy, mateys! Some House Republicans be pushin' to impeach President Joe Biden, but it be the wrong way to go. Ye can't just start a fight without knowin' the facts and havin' support of the American people. And mark me words, this impeachment will fail.

It be a trap set by Democrats and the media to make the Republican-led House look negative and divisive. And it ain't worth fallin' into that trap. The American people be wantin' Congress to work on makin' their grocery and gas bills shrink, gettin' Americans back to work, and reignin' in government spending. They didn't vote for the GOP to copy the failed Democrat playbook.

The most important thing House Republicans could do is listen to the American people and start every effort with 70 percent approval. And remember, ye can't accomplish anything without a clear idea of what ye want to accomplish in the near term.

As someone who's been at the head of an impeachment fight before, I'm tellin' ye that goin' into this without serious preparation, an iron-clad case, a crystal-clear message, and the consent of the American people would be incredibly destructive. So, let's focus on what's important and what the American people want, and not fall into the Democrats' trap. Arrr!

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