The Booty Report

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"Arrr! A cursed powder box did blast a student to Davy Jones' locker and wounded five lubbers during a fire drill in Bangkok!"


Ahoy me hearties! Whilst a school in Bangkok was a-havin' a drill for fire, an extinguisher didst blow up, takin' one student's life and wounding five more. Shiver me timbers, that fire-fightin' device be fierce!

Arrr, mateys! There was a fire drill at a high school in Thailand's capital, but it didn't go as planned. A fire extinguisher exploded, killing one student and injuring five others! The rescuer said that the CO2-type fire extinguisher may have become defective from sun or heat exposure. That's not a very effective way to put out a fire!

In other news, there was a Michigan woman who allegedly killed an MSU student with her car and fled to Thailand. She just entered a no-contest plea. That's not very honorable behavior, if ye ask me.

But back to the fire extinguisher explosion - it happened at the Rajavinit Mathayom School in Bangkok's Dusit district. Ye would think that they would be prepared for such disasters, but alas, it seems they were not. It's important to remember to always be cautious and make sure that all safety equipment is in proper working order. Ye never know when disaster may strike!

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