The Booty Report

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"Aye, mateys! Avast ye! Thar be a crash in Lake Michigan. One scallywag be feedin' the fish, t'other be limpin'."


Arrr! One matey was saved and t'other was declared dead after their flying vessel took a plunge into the watery depths o' Lake Michigan near Beaver Island. May they rest in Davy Jones' locker.

Arrrr mateys, it be a sad day in the land of Lake Michigan. A small plane done crashed near Beaver Island, killin' one person and injurin' another. The Coast Guard be quick to respond, with one of their helicopters in the area for trainin'. They rescued one person from the water, but the poor soul said that there be another person trapped in the wreckage. The Charlevoix County Sheriff’s Office sent in some divers, but unfortunately they found the second person "unresponsive". That person didn't make it, according to a report from WWTV/WWUP-TV. The person who was rescued was taken to the hospital for treatment.

This be the second small plane crash in the news recently, as another one done hit a parked minivan outside the Wisconsin capital not too long ago. It be a dangerous time for flyin', so be careful up there in the skies, me hearties.

The Charlevoix County Sheriff’s Office be workin' on a statement about the incident, but they can't give us any more information right now. We'll keep our ears to the ground and let ye know if we hear anythin' else about this terrible tragedy.

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