The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! The Sikh scallywags o' Surrey claim that Hardeep Singh Nijjar, the cap'n o' a local temple, was sent to Davy Jones' Locker fer his political opinions. Savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! Some members of the Sikh crew in Surrey be sayin' that Hardeep Singh Nijjar, the leader of a local temple, was sent to Davy Jones' Locker 'cause of his political opinions. Arrr, they be suspectin' that he was cut down by those who be not likin' what he be sayin'. The scuttlebutt be sayin' that Nijjar be havin' some controversial views on the situation between India and Punjab, and that some folks be wantin' him to walk the plank for it.

The Sikh community be feelin' like they be watchin' their backs now, with some of 'em even sayin' they be receivin' threats. But they be standin' strong, callin' for justice and for those who did the deed to be held accountable. They be puttin' out the word that violence be not the answer and that they be wantin' to see a peaceful resolution to the issues at hand.

Avast, ye maties! It be a sad day when we be hearin' of someone bein' sent to Davey Jones' Locker, especially if it be because of their political views. Let us hope that justice be served and that the Sikh community be findin' some peace in these troubled waters. May we all be rememberin' that violence be not the answer, and that we be needin' to work together to navigate these treacherous seas.

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