The Booty Report

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Arrr! The wenches be rejoicin' a year sans Roe! The unachievable became achievable!


Arrr, ye anti-abortion scallywags! This anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling be a jolly occasion for ye, yet a time to recognize the obstacles ahead. Let's hoist the Jolly Roger and navigate these murky waters together!

Ahoy mateys! It be that time of year again, when the anti-abortion activists hoist their banners and celebrate the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to eliminate the national right to abortion. But don’t be fooled, me hearties, for this be not just a time of merriment and revelry, but also a time to face the challenges ahead.

These brave souls be ready to fight tooth and nail to protect the sanctity of life, from the moment of conception to the final breath. They be marching in the streets, spreading their message far and wide, and even taking their cause to the highest courts in the land.

But the battle be not an easy one, for the foes of the anti-abortion activists be fierce and well-funded. They be using all manner of tricks and deceit to undermine the sanctity of life, from promoting so-called “reproductive rights” to pushing for “choice” in all matters.

Yet the anti-abortion activists be undaunted by these challenges, for they know that their cause is just and true. They be ready to take on all comers, to defend the innocent and helpless, and to fight for what is right.

So take heart, ye landlubbers, for the anti-abortion activists be on the case. They be a force to be reckoned with, and they be ready to go the distance to protect the sanctity of life. So raise a glass to these brave souls, and wish them well in their battle ahead! Yo ho ho!

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