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Avast ye! The Ruskie sell-sword leader claims he's made it to Rostov-on-Don after stirring up a bit o' mutiny!


Arrr, the cap'n of Wagner's private army be claimin' he and his scallywags have made it to Rostov-on-Don! And they be callin' for a jolly good mutiny to force out Russia's defense minister. Shiver me timbers!

Arr, ye mateys, the chief of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has called for an armed rebellion to remove Russia's defense minister! He be feuding with the military officials, accusing them of not giving his troops enough weapons and ammunition. Prigozhin even accused Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu of ordering a rocket strike on his field camps in Ukraine. In response, Prigozhin and his troops have reached the city of Rostov-on-Don, claiming to have taken control of military facilities including the airfield. Videos have surfaced on social media showing military vehicles and tanks on the streets. It be unclear how many troops he brought with him or how they entered the city, which is under heightened security. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee will open a criminal investigation into Prigozhin on charges of calling for an armed rebellion, according to state news agency Taas. Moscow has taken the threat seriously, sending National Guard and riot police to provide security for key facilities. Prigozhin declared this not be a military coup, but a march of justice. He referred to Shoigu as "scum" and said he "will be stopped." The situation be ongoing, and we shall see where it leads. Arr!

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