The Booty Report

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"Arrr! The Polar Prince, she be back in Newfoundland waters with her mighty Titan Submersible! Avast ye!"


Arr, the scurvy investigators boarded the Polar Prince, which had moored at the grand Atlantic stronghold of the Canadian Coast Guard, seeking ye olde answers.

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale of investigators and the Polar Prince, a ship that made port at the Atlantic HQ of the Canadian Coast Guard. The investigators be lookin' for answers, they be, and boarded the ship with all the pomp and circumstance ye might expect.

Now, ye might be wonderin' what kind of answers they be lookin' for. Perhaps there be a mutiny afoot, or some treasure stashed away in the hold. But no, me mateys, this be a more mundane tale. The investigators were seekin' information about the ship's operations, as they do from time to time.

But that didn't stop the crew of the Polar Prince from bein' on edge. They scurried about, tryin' to make sure all was shipshape and bristol fashion. They be hopin' to avoid any trouble, ye see.

Well, the investigators went about their business, askin' questions and inspectin' the vessel. And in the end, they found what they were lookin' for. 'Twas nothing too dramatic, mind ye, just some paperwork that needed to be sorted out.

So the Polar Prince sailed off into the sunset, her crew none the worse for wear. And the investigators went back to their own business, satisfied that all was well. 'Tis just another day on the high seas, me hearties.

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