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Arrr, a year hath passed since Dobbs, yet the pro-life crew still battles many a challenge, me hearties!


"Arrr, me hearties! Today be the one-year tick of the Dobbs verdict, aye, a mighty blow to the infamous Roe v. Wade. The law now declares there be no right to abort, and the seas be calm for the unborn wee ones."

Ahoy! Today, June 24, marks one year since the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision, which said that there is no constitutional right to abortion and overturned Roe v. Wade. The Left responded with false claims of fascism, a war on women, and attacks on pro-life groups across the country. But Dobbs simply returned the issue of abortion to the states, where the people can debate the merits for themselves. The pro-life movement must support greater protection of life for both mothers and the unborn, and states have already been taking action to limit abortions and safeguard both lives. Our goal is to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by providing love and support for all parties involved, including investments in foster care, adoption, maternal health care, and resources for mothers facing unwanted pregnancy. Thankfully, pregnancy resource centers nationwide are already doing much of this vital work, serving nearly two million women in just one year. Our work is far from over, and our call as believers is to cherish all life, from the unborn baby to the vulnerable mother and beyond. When we fully live out this truth, we can be a culture that values all its children, from the womb to the tomb and beyond. Aye, let us continue to fight for life and love.

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