The Booty Report

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"Yarr! Methinks the Wagner captain knew the odds be not in his favor ere he turned his ship 'round. Savvy?"


Arrr, the cap'n of the Wagner Group must've felt the winds of ill fate blowin' against their plan for Moscow. The expert saith that be why they turned tail and ran.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group, ordered his troops to turn around and return to Ukraine after reportedly realizing his chances of reaching Moscow weren't positive. Former CIA station chief Dan Hoffman believes Prigozhin has made himself Vladimir Putin's enemy and that he could not have taken over the Rostov military district without making himself an enemy. The office of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said that a deal was reached with Prigozhin, who agreed to order his troops to turn around in exchange for a proposed settlement with security guarantees for Wagner Group troops. Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow Charles Kupchan believes that the situation in Ukraine will not be affected much. Prigozhin accused Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu of ordering a rocket strike on the private military contractor's field camps where the group is fighting on behalf of Russia in Ukraine. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee, part of the Federal Security Services, will be opening a criminal investigation on charges of calling for an armed rebellion. Russia's Defense Ministry denied executing the rocket attack.

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