The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! The Wagner cap'n be tellin' his lads to sail away from Moscow to spare some bloodshed!


Arrr! Yevgeny Prigozhin be boastin' that his crew reached Rostov-on-Don without spillin' a drop of blood! And he be turnin' the ship around to avoid any potential bloodshed. Methinks he be afraid of the mighty wrath of the sea gods!

Avast! Ye scallywags, listen up! Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner Group, has announced on social media that he's turning his troops around to avoid bloodshed. Aye, negotiations were initiated by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Prigozhin agreed to stop the movement of his company towards Moscow. The Belarusian government claimed that there's an acceptable option on the table with security guarantees for the Wagner PMC fighters. Arrr, this seemingly puts an end to the most significant challenge to Putin's regime in his 23 years in power.

The Associated Press reports that Prigozhin didn't say whether Moscow has responded to his demand to oust Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. There was no immediate comment from the Kremlin. Reuters obtained video footage showing troop carriers and two flatbed trucks, each carrying a tank, traveling more than halfway to Moscow, where a helicopter fired on them. Prigozhin claimed he'd captured the headquarters of Russia's Southern Military District in the city of Rostov-on-Don without firing a shot. This city has served as the main logistical hub for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

This be a developing story, so stay tuned for further updates. And if ye be interested in learning more about the Wagner Group, click here. Arrr!

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