The Booty Report

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Arr, an Aussie lass along with her wee wiener dog be viciously attacked by a scallywag bull terrier afore her big day!


Arrr, an Aussie lass be strolling her lil' dachshund at a pooch's haven, when a rascally cur be springin' forth an' harassin' the poor lass an' her four-legged matey. But alas, it be a mere seven weeks afore her matrimony, a rather ill-timed skirmish indeed!

A woman and her 3-year-old miniature dachshund were attacked by a bull terrier while walking at an off-leash dog park on the Gold Coast in Australia. The woman, Isabelle Payne, and her pup, Lola, were both "attacked unprovoked and mauled," according to her fiancée, Jacob Thirkettle. The couple's wedding day is set to take place in about seven weeks.

Thirkettle, who was walking with Payne and Lola when they were attacked, said his fiancée was injured "very badly" in her attempt to free the small dog from the bull terrier's mouth. Lola was rushed to the veterinarian and underwent surgery to repair lacerations on her back and the fur near her ribcage. While the operation was successful, Lola still has a long road to full recovery.

The dog's injuries could have been life-threatening if not for Payne's efforts to save her. Thirkettle started a GoFundMe page to raise money for Lola's veterinary bills and recovery. The dachshund will require additional visits to the veterinarian and continued treatment.

Payne also sustained significant injuries in the attack and received treatment for bruises, scratches, and punctures. The couple expressed their gratitude for the support they have received through the GoFundMe page and are deeply overwhelmed by the love and incredible support.

As of Monday morning, the account had raised more than $3,000 AUD. Payne and Thirkettle also have another miniature dachshund, according to an Instagram video showing Lola's recovery.

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