The Booty Report

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Arr, the French be havin' a mighty brawl! Leaders be plannin' their moves, while the granny pleads for peace.


Avast, me hearties! The French granny o' a 17-year-old lad, who met his untimely end by a poxy officer o' the law, be pleadin' fer 'em riots to be put to rest. She be no scallywag, harborin' ill will 'gainst the whole police force, says she!

French officials are working to restore order in the country after a sixth night of unrest sparked by the death of 17-year-old Nahel, who was shot and killed by police during a traffic stop. Nahel's grandmother, Nadia, made a plea for the riots to stop, asking that no windows, buses, or schools be damaged. She expressed anger towards the officer who killed Nahel but maintained faith in the justice system. The protests have caused disruption, leading French President Emmanuel Macron to delay a visit to Germany. The interior ministry reported a decrease in the number of arrests, with 49 people being detained on Sunday compared to 719 on Saturday. The violence has escalated, with an incident involving a burning vehicle driving into the home of a Paris suburb mayor, injuring his wife and child. Authorities have opened an investigation into the incident, which is believed to be an attempted murder. Macron has blamed social media for fueling the protests and has discussed potential legal action against young people who share calls for violence on platforms like Snapchat. The president called an emergency meeting of the National Assembly and deployed 45,000 officers and armored vehicles to handle the protests.

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