The Booty Report

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Avast ye! A fearsome Russian cannon hath caused mayhem in Lviv, Ukraine, claimin' the lives of four poor souls!


Arrr, the rulers screeched that the poor souls, scallywags from 21 to 95 summers, be caught in a tangled mess! Beware, mateys, for there may still be landlubbers buried beneath the debris!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up, ye scurvy landlubbers! The authorities be tellin' us some grave news, they be! They be sayin' that the ages of the poor victims ranged from a mere 21 to a ripe old 95! Aye, those poor souls, may they rest in Davy Jones' locker.

But hold fast, me hearties! The authorities be warnin' us that there might still be some poor souls trapped under the rubble, like treasure in the deep. Arrr, the thought of it sends shivers down me timbers! 'Tis a sad sight indeed.

Now, me mateys, let me translate this here news into the fine language of us 17th century pirates, just for a bit o' fun. The blokes in charge be sayin' that the ages of the poor souls who met their demise ranged from a young buck of 21 to an ol' sea dog of 95! Aye, those poor souls, may they find tranquility in the afterlife.

But avast, me hearties! The blokes in charge be warnin' us that there might still be some unfortunate souls trapped under the fallen debris, like hidden treasures awaitin' discovery. Arrr, the mere thought sends shivers down me spine! 'Tis a heart-wrenchin' sight indeed.

So, me fellow buccaneers, let's raise a flagon of rum to honor those lost souls, and let's hope that any poor souls still trapped in the wreckage be rescued with the swiftness of a pirate's sword! Arrr, may the winds of fortune blow in their favor, and may the seas be calm for those left behind to pick up the pieces. Ye can count on me, Captain Jolly Roger, to keep ye informed of any further developments in this tale of tragedy. Until next time, me hearties, fair winds and a jolly good day!

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