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Ye scurvy dogs o' the media be findin' out that Hunter Biden's 'love spawn' be makin' news! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! The Times penned a tale 'bout the likes of 'Hunter Biden and the Politics of Paternity,' where they shower the president with adoration fer his 'loyalty to his kin,' yet he be refusin' to admit to his own grandchild!

In the July 2 issue of the New York Times Sunday paper, they finally decided to cover the story of Hunter Biden's daughter, which they placed at the bottom of the front page. The headline of the article by Katie Rogers stated: "Hunter Biden and the Politics of Paternity in the Media's Glare." However, there has been little media coverage of this story within the Democrat media bubble. The Times bemoaned the story's presence in conservative media, despite the fact that the mother, Lunden Roberts, and the child, Navy Joan Roberts, have received minimal attention from mainstream media sources.

Roberts eventually dropped her demand for her daughter to have the Biden last name, and in return, the Biden camp agreed to hand over some of Hunter's artwork. The Times criticized this as being too political, but there is evidence of political involvement from both sides. Liberal journalists should understand that those wronged by the Bidens would naturally turn to conservative media, just as Trump critics are celebrated by the liberal media.

The Times also downplayed the scandalous aspects of the story, framing Roberts as a student of forensic investigation who happened to meet Hunter, a future president's son struggling with addiction. The article quoted GOP strategist Stuart Stevens, who dismissed focus on the dissolute son as "just anger in search of an argument." However, this perspective conveniently ignores the fact that the liberal media has always prioritized scandal over policy when it comes to covering Republicans.

The Biden family's behavior resembles a reality show, similar to the Kennedys, and the newspapers that claim to be guardians of truth are exposed as partisan operatives. The Times' coverage of this story reflects this bias and their selective reporting.

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