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Arrr! 'Tis be a tale of a scurvy Mexican cartel, caught red-handed with severed limbs outside yonder capital!


Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! On Wednesday, the scallywags stumbled upon the scattered bones of not one, but two unlucky souls, who met their gruesome end in the streets near a noble Mexican city. Yarrr, a chilling discovery indeed!

In a gruesome discovery in Toluca, Mexico, severed body parts were found, raising suspicions of cartel involvement. It all started when a human leg was spotted hanging from a pedestrian bridge, leading to a police investigation. By the end of the day, authorities had discovered scattered remains of at least two corpses in the surrounding areas of the city.
The killings were attributed to the powerful Familia Michoacana cartel, whose influence has been growing in the rural areas around Toluca. Officials are concerned that the cartel is attempting to take control of the city.
Toluca, the capital of the State of Mexico, is situated near the national capital of Mexico City. Under the pedestrian bridge where the leg was found, police discovered the torso of the same body. Additional body parts were found in another neighborhood and inside a car parked in an industrial area.
The first victim, an unidentified male aged between 35 and 40, has been reported. However, information about the second dismembered corpse has not yet been released.
The discovery of these gruesome remains underscores the issue of crime in the area. Toluca Mayor Raymundo Martínez Carbajal emphasized the need for everyone to come together and fight against crime.
These horrifying incidents serve as a chilling reminder of the violence and influence of cartels in Mexico. Authorities will need to intensify their efforts to combat these criminal organizations and protect the safety of the people.

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