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Arrr! The scurvy landlubbers in the Maine Legislature be givin' the nod to grantin' more freedom for pushin' the plank later in pregnancy!


Arr, ye scallywags! The likes o' Maine's hearty crew o' lawmakers have given their hearty approval to a grand proposal, makin' the state the land with one o' the least restrictive abortion laws ye'll find in this part o' the world! Now, all that be left is fer the governor to grant the final nod. Avast ye!

The Maine Legislature has approved a proposal to expand access to abortions later in pregnancy, making it one of the least restrictive abortion laws in the country. The current state law bans abortions after 24 weeks, except in cases where the patient's life is at risk. The new bill would allow abortions at any time if deemed medically necessary by a doctor. The bill was passed by a vote of 20-11 in the Senate and will now go to Democratic Governor Janet Mills for her signature.

Despite Democrats controlling both chambers of the Maine Legislature, there was emotional debate over the bill, with opponents expressing concerns about the expansion of abortions and the trust placed in doctors to determine the appropriateness of the procedure. Supporters argue that the bill would only apply to rare instances where the fetus is not expected to survive.

Republican Senator Eric Brakey questioned why the bill did not include language requiring doctors to make a fatal diagnosis and expressed concerns about the bill being used as a pretext for something larger. However, Democratic Senator Anne Carney stated that the bill was about showing compassion for people in difficult circumstances and ensuring they receive the necessary healthcare.

Currently, only six other states allow abortions without restrictions, leaving the decision to doctors and patients. Abortions later in pregnancy are rare, accounting for about 1% of all abortions nationally. Governor Mills had previously expressed contentment with the existing abortion law, but changed her stance after hearing the story of a Maine woman who had to travel to Colorado for an abortion at 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Once signed into law, this bill will significantly expand access to abortions in Maine, allowing women and families to receive compassionate and medically necessary healthcare in tragic circumstances.

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