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Arr! Them California landlubbers be settin' mad green energy rules, aimin' to scuttle the truckin' trade!


Avast ye! Biden's crew and the landlubbers in California be ruinin' the truckin' trade! They be makin' us scurvy dogs embrace these electric contraptions that take ages to charge and can't sail as far! Aye, it be a fine mess they be creatin'!

Without truckers, America would grind to a halt. Truckers work tirelessly to deliver essential goods, but President Joe Biden's radical climate-change agenda is putting their livelihoods at risk. The Biden administration, along with California, has no legal right to force truckers to comply with their climate policies. In response, 19 state attorneys general, including Iowa, are taking Biden to court.

Iowa's trucking industry employs about 100,000 people, making it a vital part of the state's economy. However, Biden's truck ban threatens to devastate the industry and increase prices for businesses and truckers. The administration's EPA violated the Constitution by granting California a waiver to enforce its own truck emissions standards, which go beyond the regulations set for the rest of the country. California's ban requires a significant percentage of trucks to be fully electric by 2035 and completely eliminates gas and diesel trucks by 2045.

The impact of California's ban extends beyond the state itself. Other states are forced to adopt these standards to remain competitive in the market. This drives up prices for gas and diesel vehicles, discouraging Americans from purchasing them. Eight states have already adopted California's ban, and three more are following suit. This unequal treatment violates the principle of equal sovereignty among states outlined in the Constitution.

The Clean Air Act provision used to justify the EPA's waiver is unconstitutional and should have gone through Congress. Furthermore, implementing the ban will leave rural America at a disadvantage due to the lack of charging stations and the shorter range and longer charging time of electric trucks. The trucking industry, already facing challenges, will be forced to cut jobs and make tough decisions under these expensive regulations.

As attorneys general, the lawsuit against Biden and California aims to put the brakes on the truck ban and protect the interests of truckers and the industry as a whole. It is time to push back against the radical climate agenda that threatens to regulate truckers out of business.

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