The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Ol' Greg Gutfeld be sayin' them California Reparations Task Force be soundin' mighty racist, arr!


Arr, me hearties! Fox News scallywag, Greg Gutfeld, be takin' his mighty cutlass o' criticism to them California Reparations Task Force's suggestions on "Gutfeld!" Blast 'em to Davy Jones' locker, says he! Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!

Happy Thursday, me hearties! It be a short week, it is! So, listen up, me mateys. Ye won't believe the ridiculousness happenin' in California. They got themselves a reparations task force, fancy that! A bunch o' government employees with nothin' better to do than punish innocent souls for crimes they didn't even commit! It be like blamin' me for me grandpappy buyin' a Red Hot Chili Peppers record, arr!

This task force released a massive report, over 1,000 pages of nonsense, all about "eliminatin' disparities." Ye know, like the difference between honest small business owners and those scurvy dogs who loot 'em. Or the distinction between a decent person usin' a proper loo and some scallywag peein' behind a trash can. Aye, it be a slippery slope, I tell ya.

The main recommendation, ye see, be reparations. They want to hand out up to $1.2 million to each eligible California resident whose ancestors faced enslavement in other states. It be like playin' the lottery, except with policy instead of numbers! But how in Davy Jones' locker would they even pay for it? Why should an Asian family, who only just arrived in America, be forced to cough up for somethin' that happened 150 years ago? And let's not even get started on the confusion of origin stories, mateys.

But that's not all, me hearties. This task force be callin' for cancelin' child support debt for Black residents. Seems like it helps those who owe the debt, but what about those who rely on that support? And here's me favorite part - they suggest that law enforcement shouldn't enforce public disorder offenses, like peein' in public. Blimey! They claim it's because it disproportionately affects Black individuals, but not punishin' anyone for breakin' the law just seems plain daft!

California be twistin' history to create a divide among its people, all in the name of helpin' Black Californians. But forgivein' child support debt and lettin' folks pee wherever they please ain't the answer. It's like they took a page out of David Duke or Joe Biden's book! And while honest folks still gotta pay their taxes, they gotta deal with people literally pissin' on 'em.

The left has lost its way, me hearties. They don't even bother lyin' anymore. They'd rather piss on ya and call ya a racist for complainin'. It's enough to make a pirate walk the plank!

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