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Arr, Ukraine be havin' an upper hand in battle 'gainst Putin, usin' their fancy AI creation, a testin' ground like no other!


Arrr! Ukraine be craftin' its very own concoction o' artificial intelligence, havin' studied ten others. They wisely fashioned a bespoke system to keep their precious secrets out o' reach o' any company's grasp, savvy?

Ukraine has developed its own artificial intelligence (AI) platforms under strict conditions, surpassing what Western militaries have achieved. The innovation taking place on the Ukrainian battlefield is beyond compare, and the US and other Western governments have no idea about the extent of this progress. The Ukrainians are moving too fast for others to keep up. AI has played a significant role in Ukraine's success against Russia, providing advantages that the smaller nation would not have had otherwise. The Ukraine war has become an unprecedented testing ground for AI, with the use of drones, loitering munitions, and AI-enhanced autonomous capabilities. The country decided to create its own AI platform, allowing engineers to tailor it to specific uses and avoid sharing sensitive information with commercial companies. Computer vision, which focuses on interpreting and analyzing visual data through AI, has shown great benefits for various industries and tasks. In Ukraine, AI has helped track down suspected war criminals and monitor troop movements. The technology has also aided in distinguishing between different types of drones and improving targeting and efficacy. Impressively, Ukraine achieved all of this on a fraction of the budget used by American companies. The country's engineers have shown great technological savvy and resourcefulness, building and improving equipment on limited resources. Ukraine remains in communication with big tech companies and projects, seeking collaboration and data exchange for more efficient self-protection and protection of the West.

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