The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! The dreadfully dire media be surrenderin' to those scurvy government censors, aye!


'Tis a grievous sight, me hearties, to witness the likes of our media scoundrels wholeheartedly embracin' the foul practice of government censorship. Aye, they be betrayin' the sacred code of freedom, and tis a wretched sight that be bringin' tears to me eye.

In a humorous and exaggerated tone reminiscent of a 17th-century pirate, the author expresses their concern and dismay over the increasing censorship efforts of the government and the support of the media and the Democratic Party in such censorship. They highlight a recent opinion finding that the Biden administration had violated the First Amendment, describing it as "the most massive attack against free speech in United States history." The New York Times and CNN are specifically mentioned as supporters of government censorship, with CNN Chief White House Correspondent Phil Mattingly stating that it "makes sense" for tech companies to comply with censorship demands on public health grounds.

The author points out the irony of the government's desire to protect us from harmless thoughts while disregarding the fact that they were wrong on many issues and experts were being silenced. They mention the censorship of those who questioned the effectiveness of masks and the closure of schools and businesses, noting that countries that did not implement such measures did not experience significant increases in COVID cases. They also discuss conflicting studies on mask efficacy and the lack of debate due to censorship.

The author criticizes the media for attacking those who raised objections to mandates and for denouncing the lab theory on the origin of COVID-19, which is now considered plausible. They highlight the media's role in supporting censorship and disregarding free speech concerns, echoing the view that censorship is necessary for harm reduction.

In a satirical twist, the author sarcastically remarks that all this censorship is for our own protection and that it simply "makes sense." They conclude by emphasizing the importance of free speech and expressing their disappointment in the media's shift towards supporting government censorship.

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