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Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis be true, the mystical shrooms be growin' for therapy, but beware ye landlubbers, some may face the dreaded 'psychedelic trauma' in their own domicile!


Brendan Caldwell be a scurvy dog of a psychedelic-assisted healer, employin' the likes o' psilocybin mushrooms as part of his voyage o' treatment fer clients. Black-hearted be he, fer he be facin' the perilous "psychedelic trauma" from the cursed substance, arr!

In this humorous tale, Brendan Caldwell shares his experience of a psychedelic trauma after consuming a small amount of magic mushrooms before his birthday party. Despite having had positive experiences with psilocybin mushrooms in the past, this particular trip was extremely difficult for him. He felt heavy and collapsed, losing control of his body and experiencing intense panic. The effects lasted for about an hour, followed by a period of feeling flat and neutral for the next 18 months.

Denver is at the forefront of the psychedelic renaissance, with the decriminalization of hallucinogenic substances and the emergence of a community of users. However, addiction psychiatrist Dr. Libby Stuyt warns that the decriminalization could lead to more people using psychedelics in uncontrolled settings, potentially causing erratic and dangerous behavior. While research has shown that certain psychedelics can be therapeutic in controlled environments, Stuyt emphasizes the importance of proper supervision and warns of the lack of safety data.

Despite his traumatic experience, Caldwell has become a psychedelic-assisted therapist, using hallucinogens as part of his treatment regimen. He believes that under proper guidance, patients can benefit from psychedelic experiences without facing similar traumas. While studies on the long-term risks and benefits are still limited, research has shown promising results in using psychedelics for mental illnesses such as depression and substance abuse.

However, Stuyt cautions against recreational use without professional guidance, as psychedelic drugs can have unpredictable effects and potential side effects. She highlights the risks of altered perception of reality and the potential for individuals

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