The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis now nigh impossible to flee North Korea, ye landlubbers!


Yarr! Me hearties, them attempts to escape Kim Jong-un's clutches through China be meetin' a sorry end. The cursed surveillance, thievin' for profit, and the blasted pandemic be standin' in the way o' our freedom, arr!

Arr, me hearties! Listen ye closely, for I've got a tale that be as treacherous as a stormy sea. 'Tis a tale of bold souls tryin' to escape the clutches of the dreaded Kim Jong-un, but alas, their plans be foiled by digital sorcery, greedy scoundrels, and the cursed pandemic.

Ahoy! When these brave souls set their sights on escapin' the clutches of that tyrant, they thought they could find solace in the land of China. But little did they know, the watchful eyes of the digital world were keepin' a close watch on 'em. Surveillance, me hearties! Their every move bein' tracked by those high-tech gadgets. 'Twas like havin' a nosy parrot on yer shoulder, squawkin' all yer secrets to anyone who'd listen.

But that weren't all, me mateys. As if the digital sirens weren't enough, the greedy scallywags saw an opportunity to make a pretty penny off these desperate souls. They be takin' advantage of their plight, demandin' hefty sums of doubloons in exchange for safe passage. Aye, it be a cruel world we live in, where profit be more important than lendin' a helpin' hand to those in need.

And if that weren't bad enough, the cursed pandemic had to rear its ugly head. The world be in chaos, me hearties, and escapin' be harder than findin' a needle in a haystack. Borders be closed, ships be anchorin', and dreams of freedom be dashed like a shipwreck on the rocks.

So, me hearties, let this be a warnin'. Escapin' the clutches of Kim Jong-un be a treacherous path. Beware the digital spies, the profiteers, and the pandemic. But fear not, for the human spirit be as fierce as a pirate's roar. We shall prevail, and freedom will be ours once more!

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