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Avast ye hearties! Biden declares, "Ukraine be not fit for the grand honor of joinin' NATO, arr!"


Arr, President Biden, set to sail to a NATO summit in Europe this fortnight, hath declared 'tis too soon to let Ukraine join our merry alliance whilst the battle with Russia be still raging! Methinks patience be a virtue, me hearties!

In a recent development that has caused quite a stir in the high seas of politics, President Biden, the fearless leader of the United States, has expressed his opinion on Ukraine's desire to join the prestigious NATO alliance. Arrr, mateys! The President, who will soon be setting sail to attend a grand NATO summit in Europe, has boldly declared that it be "premature" to allow Ukraine to join the alliance whilst the fierce war with Russia be still raging.

Avast, me hearties! This news comes as a surprise to many, as Ukraine has been yearning for the support and protection of the NATO fleet for quite some time now. But our Captain Biden, with his wisdom and wit, be not so easily swayed by the tides of public opinion. He be playing the cautious game, weighing the pros and cons of Ukraine's admission into the elite crew.

Arrr, the President be no fool! He knows well that admitting Ukraine into NATO could be akin to inviting a stowaway onto a ship that's already under attack by a fearsome sea monster. The war with Russia be no laughing matter, me hearties. It be a treacherous storm that has been brewing for quite some time. And our wise Captain Biden be right to exercise caution before making such a weighty decision.

Ahoy, me lads and lasses! President Biden be sending a message to the world: "Hold yer horses, ye scurvy dogs! Let us first settle this conflict with Russia before we bring any more ships into the fleet." His words be echoing across the seven seas, causing a whirlwind of speculation and debate among the political buccaneers.

So, as the NATO summit draws near, all eyes be on our Captain Biden, waiting to see which path he will chart. Will he give his blessing to Ukraine's dreams of joining the alliance, or will he hold fast and wait for the storm to pass? Only time will tell, me hearties. But one thing be for certain: President Biden be a pirate of wisdom and wit, with a knack for navigating these treacherous political waters.

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