The Booty Report

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Arr, on Biden's watch, Lady Justice be swashbucklin'! But alas, Merrick Garland be lackin' in one crucial skill, mateys!


Arrr, in the halls of the Justice Department, under the watchful eye of Attorney General Merrick Garland, there be a peculiar code: defend the captain's scallywag offspring, even if it be mean abandonin' the Constitution and the good ship, America!

In a humorous tone reminiscent of a 17th-century pirate, the author discusses the alleged unequal enforcement of the law under President Biden's Justice Department. They claim that evidence is mounting that the scales of justice are being tipped to favor friends and family, while the FBI and prosecutors target President Biden's political opponent. This, they argue, goes against the principles of our Republic and violates the constitutional guarantee of equal protection under the law.

House Republicans are said to be exposing these abuses of power, particularly within President Biden's Department of Justice. The author highlights the ongoing investigations into possible corruption by the Biden family, led by Chairman Jim Jordan, Chairman James Comer, and Chairman Jason Smith.

The author then proceeds to outline what is known so far, including allegations of political interference and cover-ups. They mention a plea deal for Hunter Biden, in which he only faced misdemeanor tax charges and avoided charges for money laundering or working as an unregistered lobbyist. They also discuss instances where investigators were allegedly prevented from taking necessary steps and where search warrants were denied.

The author concludes by stating that the DOJ needs to be held accountable and that the House Republicans will continue to gather evidence and conduct oversight. If warranted, they suggest the possibility of a formal impeachment inquiry. They emphasize the importance of transparency and fairness in any such inquiry and express concerns about the credibility of the Department of Justice.

Overall, the author uses a humorous and exaggerated pirate language to convey their criticism of the alleged unequal enforcement of the law under President Biden's Justice Department.

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