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Arrr, the United States and China be sailin' in different directions when it comes to this AI matter, matey!


Arr, China be havin' a mighty strong AI regulatory system for the common folk and the merchants in their land. But when it comes to the military, they be lettin' the AI run wild, aye, a complete opposite of how the U.S. be handlin' the matter.

In a humorous tone, this article discusses the contrasting approaches to governing artificial intelligence (AI) taken by China and the United States. China has implemented strict regulations on AI use in public and commercial spaces but does not regulate its use in the military. On the other hand, the U.S. has rules for AI-driven military systems but has done nothing to regulate the tech industry's release of AI models to the public.

China's approach focuses on political stability and innovation, with strict regulation of the private sector. The country has issued measures to manage generative AI services, including deepfakes, and has established regulations to prevent AI-driven discrimination and hold companies liable for harm. However, Chinese companies must adhere to content moderation rules and socialist core values, limiting freedom of expression.

In contrast, China does not regulate the use of AI in its military, prioritizing the rapid application of AI to achieve "intelligentization" of warfare. The U.S., on the other hand, has published robust regulations for military AI, emphasizing human control, transparency, and ethical requirements.

The article highlights the risks of both approaches. China's strict regulations may hamper AI innovation domestically, while the U.S. government lags behind commercial actors in regulating the release of powerful AI models like ChatGPT. The author argues that without effective regulations, AI models can be used for disinformation, nefarious purposes, and destabilization.

Ultimately, both countries are integrating AI into military operations, but the U.S. has established guardrails to ensure safety, trustworthiness, and integration with human decision-making. Failing to regulate AI models can have dangerous effects, and determining the winner of the U.S.-China military competition may become irrelevant if Americans are not protected from these risks.

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