The Booty Report

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Avast, me hearties! An Aussie lass be set upon by dingoes while takin' a merry jog on the island o' K'gari. Miraculously, she be still breathin'!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! A wench from down under was set upon by a marauding crew of dingoes on a morn o' Monday whilst joggin' on a sandy shore o' K'gari. 'Tis the third dingo skirmish on the isle this year, arrr!

A 24-year-old woman was attacked by a pack of dingoes while jogging on the Australian island of K’gari. The incident occurred in the Orchid Beach area, where the woman attempted to escape the animals by running into the ocean. However, three of the dingoes followed her into the water and attacked her. Luckily, two men driving a four-wheel-drive vehicle on the beach saw the attack and scared the dingoes away. They quickly went into the ocean to save the woman and transported her to safety in the vehicle. The woman received first aid for her injuries before being flown to Hervey Bay Hospital for further treatment. The attack occurred in an area that is usually full of people, but on that day, the woman was alone, making her more vulnerable. The dingoes involved in the attack are part of a pack that is known to be comfortable in the Orchid Beach area, with one of them previously lunging at people. The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service is investigating the incident, and euthanization of the dingoes remains a possibility. This attack serves as a reminder for visitors to follow dingo safety protocol, including staying in groups, not running or jogging, and keeping food away from the animals. The Queensland government has provided guidelines on how to handle encounters with dingoes, emphasizing the importance of remaining calm and backing away slowly. The authorities extend their sympathies to the woman and her loved ones and wish her a speedy recovery. Further investigations will be conducted to identify the responsible dingo, and management decisions will be made based on the findings.

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