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Biden be fakin' the papers at th' border, China's CCP be tamperin' with th' Holy Bible, an' Fox News got plenty o' opinions, arr!


Avast ye, mateys! Lay yer eyes upon the newest reckonings o' Fox News Opinion! Watch the moving pictures o' Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, Greg Gutfeld, Laura Ingraham, and their ilk. 'Tis a treasure trove o' knowledge, arr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Jesse Watters declares that they are not satisfied with the "cocainegate probe" and vows to not let the White House cocaine security footage be buried. Moving on to another topic, middle-class small donors are snubbing Joe Biden and holding onto their wallets, with Watters jokingly saying, "Who can blame them?" In an article by Rep. Mike Gallagher, it is claimed that the Chinese Communist Party is rewriting the Bible, presenting the Gospel according to Chairman Xi where Jesus turns into a killer instead of forgiving sins. Watters then suggests that Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church have forged an unholy alliance to take over Ukraine. In Cal Thomas' piece, he humorously ponders how Kamala Harris' word salads could chop up Biden's 2024 hopes. Watters also highlights the gruesome abortion vision of the Democrats, stating that six states plus Washington, D.C., allow abortion up until birth. He then brings attention to a video discussing Disney's questionable decisions. A group of sorority sisters are suing for women's rights after their sorority allowed a biological male to join. Rep. Randy Feenstra claims that where "Bidenomics" failed, Republicans have delivered. Watters shares a video where host Laura Ingraham discusses the decline of America, paralleling it with the decline of President Biden. Watters playfully mentions that the "Parents for Teachers Union" effort flops worse than CNN+. Chad Wolf accuses Biden of cooking the books at the border. Watters praises Florida for offering a blueprint to confront America's civics crisis. Another video is shared where Ned Ryun discusses something that could completely change the dynamics of the 2024 election. Watters then highlights four critical areas to a woman's overall health and points out the one that is often neglected. Lastly, he expresses concern about the opposite approaches the United States and China are taking to AI and shares a link to check out political cartoons.

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