The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy Democrats be bringin' their ghastly abortion vision into our fair states! Aye, 'tis a travesty!


Arrr! Six states be lettin' the scallywags abort right afore they be poppin' out, while 17 states be havin' no rules fer protectin' wee ones from feelin' the pain o' bein' torn apart in their mum's belly. Blimey!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the author discusses the opposing visions regarding human life in the country. They highlight the efforts of the pro-life movement, which aims to support and protect women and children through pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes. They mention that nearly half the nation now protects life when babies in the womb have heartbeats or can feel the pain of abortion. On the other hand, they criticize the pro-abortion vision driven by the abortion industry and activists, which seeks abortion on demand for any reason, even up until the moment of birth.

The author criticizes the pro-abortion stance of supporting whatever a woman and her doctor decide, without acknowledging that this includes terminating pregnancies based on gender preferences. They argue that this vision could normalize gruesome late-term abortions and downplay the trauma experienced by post-abortive mothers. They also mention that this vision opposes the existence of pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes despite the widespread support they have from the American people.

The author notes that several states, including Washington, D.C., allow abortion up until birth, and 17 states do not offer protections for babies that can feel the pain of dismemberment abortions. They mention specific examples, such as Maine voting to pass a bill allowing abortion at any point up to birth. They criticize the lack of limits on abortion in some places, including Washington, D.C., and mention the disturbing practices of certain abortionists. They conclude by emphasizing the need to fight for basic protections for babies and mothers and hope for a future where all states respect the inherent humanity of every human life, regardless of being in or out of the womb.

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