The Booty Report

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Arr, matey! An Aussie sailor, his trusty pooch lived 3 months adrift in Pacific Ocean, feasting on fishy fare, and quenching thirst with heavenly rainwater.


Avast ye scallywags! A fine Mexican tuna boat hath come across an Aussie landlubber and his trusty pooch, adrift on the treacherous sea fer a full three moons. Their ship was battered by a fearsome storm, but fear not, for they be saved! Huzzah!

An Australian sailor named Timothy Lyndsay Shaddock and his dog, Bella, were found alive in the Pacific Ocean after being adrift for months. The crew of a Mexican tuna boat from the Grupomar fleet spotted them about 1,200 miles from land. Shaddock, who appeared thin and bearded, expressed his need for rest and good food after enduring a difficult ordeal at sea. However, he stated that he was in good health. Shaddock and Bella survived by eating raw fish and drinking rainwater, as their vessel had been damaged and lost its electronics during a storm, cutting off all communications.

Shaddock and Bella had set sail from La Paz, Mexico, for French Polynesia in April, but their voyage quickly ended due to the damage to their vessel. When the crew of the tuna boat found them, they were in a precarious state, lacking food and shelter. However, Shaddock's doctor confirmed that he and Bella were stable and in good health.

Professor Mike Tipton, an expert, highlighted the rarity of their rescue, stating that the chances of someone being found in the vast Pacific Ocean were slim. He praised both luck and skill for their survival, comparing the rescue to finding a needle in a haystack.

Overall, this story showcases the resilience and resourcefulness of Shaddock and his dog as they managed to survive in challenging conditions. It also serves as a reminder of the vastness and unpredictability of the ocean, emphasizing the rarity of their rescue.

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