The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a strange case o' space flotsam found on Aussie shores. Methinks it be from terra firma, mateys!


Arrr, ye see, the cursed barnacles and vile algae clingin' to this here object be tellin' us it's been swimmin' in the depths for a good year or more, savvy?

Australian authorities have discovered a strange cylinder on a beach in Western Australia, sparking widespread speculation about its origin. While authorities believe it is likely space junk, local media continues to wildly speculate on its true nature. The Australian Space Agency has made inquiries and speculates that the object could be from a foreign space launch vehicle. They have urged the community to avoid handling or moving the object and to report any other suspected space debris to local authorities. The object, which appears to be a large cylinder with a domed top, washed ashore covered in barnacles and algae. Social media users suggested it may have broken off the third stage of an Indian rocket that recently launched. However, the heavy presence of barnacles suggests a longer stay under the sea. Experts argue that while it may not be from the most recent launch, it is highly possible that the debris fell from an Indian rocket launch, as India flies its rockets over the Indian Ocean. Aviation expert Geoffrey Thomas stated that the debris could be a fuel tank from a rocket launched within the last 12 months. He dismissed speculation that it was from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, as the debris would show more wear and tear if it were from the missing plane. European Space Agency engineer Andrea Boyd believes the object is an upper-stage engine from an Indian rocket, likely around 20 years old. The object has been wrapped in plastic and taken to a locked storage facility.

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