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Arr, the tally be spiralin' skyward as authorities unearth a dozen more souls, with o'er 400 felled in Kenyan doomsday cult!


Arr, 'tis a sad tale, mateys! Some 403 scurvy dogs from a Kenyan doomsday crew met their doom. They were told to scuttle themselves by starvin' for a meeting with ol' Jesus! Aye, seems their faith be as lost as a ship in the Bermuda Triangle.

In a humorous tone, using the language of a 17th century pirate:

Arr, ye scurvy dogs, listen to this here tale o' a doomsday cult run by a scallywag pastor in Kenya! It be said that this here pastor, Paul Mackenzie, ordered his followers to starve themselves to meet Jesus! Arrr, what a load of bilge! The detectives be exhuming more bodies, 12 to be precise, believed to be them poor souls who met the grim reaper at the hands of this madman.

Now, Pastor Mackenzie, along with 36 other scoundrels, be locked up by the law. They be waiting for their day in court, but no charges have been brought against them just yet. The number of those who died be reachin' 403, with only 95 lucky souls rescued from the clutches of this wicked cult.

Some o' the suspects and rescued folk decided to go on a hunger strike, can ye believe it? They be hopin' to starve themselves right into Davy Jones' locker! The prosecutor even took 'em to court for tryin' to kill themselves. Most of 'em saw sense and started eatin' again, but one poor soul met his end in custody.

The Red Cross be reportin' that 613 souls be missin' in Malindi, where this madness took place. The detectives be still uncoverin' mass graves left and right. Aye, the bodies be decomposed, but 253 of 'em have gone through some fancy DNA matchin' to identify 'em.

This Mackenzie fella, he be movin' to that forested area in 2019 after his church got shut down for preachin' nonsense, like tellin' children not to go to school. And this ain't his first brush with the law, mind ye! He's been arrested before for the disappearances of children.

Now, a judicial commission formed by President William Ruto wanted to get to the bottom of this mess, but it got stopped in its tracks by a court order after some fancy opposition leader filed a petition against it. The president himself called this whole shebang akin to terrorism and vowed to crack down on those usin' religion for their wicked acts. Arrr, what a tale this be, me hearties!

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