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"'Me Hearties, 'tis the tale of 'America's Cultural Revolution': How the scurvy radical left plundered our culture, arr!"


Me hearties, me grand tome, 'America's Cultural Revolution', shall unveil the treasure trove of secrets 'bout the land o' United States since the 60s. Come, join me on this epic adventure as we chart our course for the future, arrr!

In his book "America's Cultural Revolution," Christopher Rufo explores the origins and impact of the left-wing revolution that has swept across the United States. The revolution, which had its roots in the student uprisings and urban riots of 1968, has gradually infiltrated and transformed America's institutions, including universities, schools, corporations, and government agencies.

Rufo begins by highlighting the propaganda campaign orchestrated by the Soviet Union in the 1970s, which celebrated radical activist Angela Davis as a symbol of international communism. However, Solzhenitsyn, a Soviet dissident, exposed the lie behind this campaign, revealing the true horrors of the Soviet slave state.

The book traces the development of the revolution through its key figures, such as Herbert Marcuse, Angela Davis, Paulo Freire, and Derrick Bell. These intellectuals laid the foundation for critical theory, critical praxis, critical pedagogy, and critical race theory, which have since permeated every aspect of American society.

Rufo argues that the revolution has culminated in the establishment of a new ideological regime, characterized by a substitute morality that elevates racism as the highest principle. The revolution has also given rise to a new bureaucratic logic of "diversity, equity, and inclusion," which enforces the ideology and punishes dissenters.

While the revolution has gained dominance in many institutions, Rufo asserts that its ambitions do not align with its outcomes. The critical theories and the revolution itself have led to a world of failure, exhaustion, resentment, and despair. Rufo believes that there is still hope for reversal, as society under the critical theories is fundamentally flawed and does not work.

Ultimately, "America's Cultural Revolution" is a counter-revolutionary work that aims to expose the true nature of the revolution and mobilize public sentiment against its ideologies, laws, and institutions. It calls for the resurrection of the values and principles that once constituted the essence of the old regime, in order to make freedom and equality meaningful to the common citizen once again.

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