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Arr, scoundrel officials o' Belarus be nabbin' a brave wordsmith o' note in their relentless pursuit o' stiflin' dissent!


Arrr, the scurvy Belarusian scallywags be continuin' their ruthless crackdown on the likes of opposition scoundrels, independent scribblers, 'n' rights champions, makin' another filthy arrest. Walk the plank, says I!

Authorities in Belarus have arrested Ihar Karnei, a prominent journalist who has written for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, as part of a crackdown on opposition figures, independent journalists, and human rights activists. The Belarusian Association of Journalists confirmed Karnei's arrest and stated that his apartment was raided, with the police confiscating his phones and computers. The reason for his arrest and the searches has not been provided by the authorities. However, it is worth noting that working with RFE/RL or spreading its content in Belarus is punishable by up to seven years in prison.

Karnei has been placed in the Akrestina pretrial detention center, known for its harsh conditions and torture of prisoners. Neither his lawyers nor family members have been granted access to him. This arrest is part of a broader pattern of repression in Belarus following the disputed August 2020 election, which resulted in President Alexander Lukashenko winning his sixth term. Massive protests erupted in response to the election, leading to a brutal crackdown by authorities. Over 35,000 people were arrested, thousands were subjected to police brutality, and numerous NGOs and independent media outlets were shut down. Currently, 36 journalists are behind bars in Belarus.

Karnei had been detained multiple times while covering the protests but chose to remain in Belarus despite the ongoing crackdown. This arrest is indicative of the continued repression faced by journalists and activists in the country. Viasna, the oldest and most prominent human rights group in Belarus, has condemned the arrests, searches, and torture in detention centers, as well as the designation of independent news products as extremist. The situation remains grave for those fighting for freedom of expression and human rights in Belarus.

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