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Arr, mateys! Th' flick the scurvy media aimed to sink be sailin' on, still holdin' her course!


Arr, mateys! 'Tis no jest to say that 'Sound of Freedom' be loved by the landlubbers. But the scurvy media, like scallywags, be tryin' to send it down to Davy Jones' locker!

Arr, mateys! Th' flick the scurvy media aimed to sink be sailin' on, still holdin' her course!

The movie "Sound of Freedom," which tells the story of a real-life government agent fighting child trafficking, has been met with overwhelming audience support and success at the box office. Despite this, the left-leaning media has attempted to undermine the film, labeling it controversial, divisive, and propaganda. They have even tried to associate it with QAnon conspiracy theories. This is in stark contrast to their defense of the French film "Cuties," which depicted the sexualization of young girls and received significant backlash from the public. Critics of "Sound of Freedom" have accused it of being self-aggrandizing propaganda and have compared it to conspiracy theories. Rolling Stone dismissed the movie's premise of child sex trafficking as a "grossly exaggerated epidemic," despite estimates that there are 4.5 million victims worldwide. Additionally, CNN undermined the film's genuine focus on sex trafficking by linking it to QAnon. The Guardian attempted to downplay the film's success by calling it a brief blip and criticized its funders as part of the far-right fringe. The legacy press seems to only attack movies that go against their agenda, while turning a blind eye to the influence of communist China in Hollywood. "Sound of Freedom" is based on the life of former Homeland Security agent Tim Ballard, who fought against child trafficking and founded Operation Underground Railroad. The film not only celebrates these victories but also highlights the gradual liberation of Americans from the influence of the left. Despite the media's attempts to undermine it, the movie is thriving and resonating with audiences who value faith and freedom. This success demonstrates that movies like this can flourish without the support of the legacy media.

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