The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scoundrels o' Big Tech, they've pilfered yer data for their AI! We be settlin' it in court, mateys!


Arr, me hearties! Behold, this artificial intelligence be a mighty weapon, as treacherous as Davy Jones' locker! Yarrr, they've pillaged yer personal data to forge it, makin' it a fearsome beast o' technology! Aye, beware the depths it may take ye!

On a crisp autumn day in 1992, President George H.W. Bush visited Wixom, Michigan and celebrated his achievement of ending the Cold War through the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (SALT). The nuclear narrative dates back to 1945 when the atomic bomb was first created. The world came together too late to address nuclear safety, as President Truman had already used atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now, the focus has shifted to the dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI). While AI has incredible potential, experts recognize the risks it poses to society. Companies like OpenAI and Google have collected massive amounts of personal data to train their AI systems, posing threats to privacy and trust. Lawsuits have been filed against these companies to demand privacy and property protections. The lawsuits also argue that people should receive payment for their stolen data, as the value of these companies derives from that stolen information. Big Tech is taking advantage of the slow-moving nature of legislation, so the courts are crucial in applying established laws to this rapidly advancing technology. Looking back at the dangers of the atom bomb, it is clear that we must learn from our mistakes and balance innovation with individual liberties, privacy, and security. This is an opportunity for society to come together and address the risks and opportunities of AI.

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