The Booty Report

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Arr, the Israeli Prez be makin' a visit! Herzog be settin' sail to address Congress amidst tense seas o'er Israel's policies.


Arr, a wee bunch o' progressive scallywags be boycotting the speech, a day after the House voted for Israel, with some traitors jumpin' ship. The treatment o' them poor Palestinians and them changes to Israel's judiciary be rattlin' the nerves o' some Democrats, arr!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round and let me spin ye a yarn about a handful of progressive Democrats who decided to boycott a speech, just like a bunch of landlubbers walkin' the plank! Arrr, it happened just a day after the House voted overwhelmingly in support of Israel, but with a few notable scallywags who jumped ship. Seems like the treatment of them poor Palestinians and some proposed changes to Israel's judiciary have got these Democrats a bit concerned, they be.

Now, these Democrats, they be sailin' on the waters of progressivism, always lookin' to shake things up. But boycotting a speech, that be somethin' ye don't see every day. It's like refusing to drink rum at a pirate's party! Arrr, it's a bold move, me hearties, and it be sure to make some waves.

But let me tell ye, the treatment of them Palestinians be a serious matter. Some of these Democrats reckon that Israel be needin' to take a long, hard look at how they be treatin' their neighbors on the high seas. And those proposed changes to the judiciary have got 'em real worried, like a sailor stuck in a never-ending storm.

But in all honesty, mates, it's a bit humorous to see these Democrats swabbin' the decks of progressivism while the rest of their crew be votin' in support of Israel. It be like a pirate ship with a few lads and lasses abandonin' ship while the rest be partyin' like it's a barrel o' monkeys!

Arrr, only time will tell whether this boycott be havin' any real impact. But for now, it be a tale worth sharin' in the language of a good ol' 17th-century pirate. So raise yer mugs of grog and toast to the adventures of these progressive Democrats, as they navigate the treacherous waters of politics!

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