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Arrr! The University of Minnesota be abandonin' affirmative action for race and legacy admissions, all thanks t' the SCOTUS ruling!


Arrr! The University of Minnesota be walkin' the plank, me hearties! They be ditchin' their affirmative action and legacy admissions policies, mateys! The Supreme Court, bless their pirate souls, be sayin' it's against the law to be considerin' a scallywag's race when applyin' fer college! Yo ho ho!

The University of Minnesota has announced that it will no longer take race or family legacy into consideration for admissions, following the Supreme Court's ruling that affirmative action is unconstitutional. The university's "holistic review" page has been updated to reflect this change, stating that race, ethnicity, and family attendance or employment will no longer be considered as "context factors" in the admissions process. However, the application will still ask for this optional information for recruitment and communication purposes. The change comes after the Supreme Court's landmark decision in June, in which Chief Justice John Roberts emphasized the importance of treating students as individuals rather than based on their race. The decision has forced colleges and universities across the country to reconsider their admissions policies and has also sparked a debate about legacy admissions, which give preference to applicants with family ties to the institution. The University of Minnesota maintains that it is committed to enrolling a diverse student body and will still consider factors such as academic performance, extracurricular activities, and evidence of overcoming barriers to educational achievement. The school will also consider an applicant's contribution to the cultural, gender, age, economic, or geographic diversity of the student body.

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