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Arrr! Me childhood were plagued by Jim Crow, but behold! This solution be a game-changer, mateys! It be closin' America's racist education gap!


Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy landlubbers be needin' t'fix th' vast education gap in America, or we'll be sailin' towards Davy Jones' locker! Aye, 'tis a serious matter, mateys, but we must tackle it 'fore it's too late!

In response to the end of the affirmative action policy, former NBA player Charles Barkley donated $5 million to ensure that Black individuals always have a place at Auburn University. This comes at a time when Black college and university student enrollment has declined by 22 percent nationwide, with only five percent of Auburn's student population being Black. While there is a need to address the education gap in America, perpetuating racial discrimination through affirmative action is not the solution.

Affirmative action was initially implemented during the segregated Jim Crow era to provide opportunities for the Black community. However, current data shows a decline in college graduations, Black business ownership, and Black middle-class participation. Affirmative action has failed, with educational institutions benefiting financially while Black Americans face insurmountable student loan debt.

The federal student loan system has become burdensome for historically disadvantaged individuals targeted by affirmative action. Institutions lower admission standards based on race, leading to the recruitment of students from failing public schools. This perpetuates low expectations and results in graduates lacking fundamental skills.

Millions of minority students are trapped in below-average and failing public schools, lacking proficiency in math and reading. This leads to severe consequences, such as low graduation rates and a lifetime of debt.

A game-changing solution to close the education gap is education freedom, which grants parents the freedom to choose the best education options for their children. Legislation like the Educational Choice for Children Act funds scholarship programs for millions of students, providing them with opportunities for success.

Education is the great equalizer, and every child deserves a fair shot at unlocking their American Dream. It is important to work towards durable changes that create a brighter future for minority students without further dividing our country.

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