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Arrr! China be relyin' on Kissinger's goodwill, but methinks their influence be gettin' watered down, says the expert.


Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Old Henry Kissinger be sailin' to China, even after leavin' his post. Beijing be hopin' to make merry with the U.S. by takin' this chance to stir up some good vibes!

China has sought positive attention by reaching out to former U.S. national security adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in order to revive relations with the U.S. which have remained tense. However, this move has been seen by some as a sign of desperation. Kissinger played a vital role in normalizing ties between the U.S. and China during the Nixon and Ford administrations, and he has continued to visit China since leaving office. China's foreign minister, Wang Yi, referred to Kissinger as an "old friend" and praised his role in developing relations between the two countries. However, experts argue that Kissinger's influence has diminished and that he will not be able to move things forward unless there is positive movement from China. Relations between China and the U.S. have deteriorated over the past year, particularly after their differing stances on the Ukraine invasion. China has backed Russia in the conflict and used it to refocus international dynamics. China also reacted angrily when Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. The cancellation of a trip by a top European diplomat this month further highlights the ongoing disagreements between China and other countries. During the meeting with Kissinger, Wang emphasized that the U.S. must stop trying to reform China and accused Washington of trying to orchestrate changes through trade and technology policies. Experts suggest that China's decision to raise these concerns indicates their deep worry. Kissinger has also emphasized the need for peaceful coexistence between the two countries.

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