The Booty Report

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Arr! Aye, behold! A clip of a lecherous act in India be spreadin' like the scurvy aboard a ship!


Arrr, mateys! The raid upon two fair maidens in the land of Manipur hath stirred up the gallant Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Though he be sly with his words, 'tis the first time he be mentionin' the prolonged strife in that cursed state!

In a rather unexpected turn of events, the recent attack on two women in Manipur has finally prompted some public comments from none other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We must admit, it took quite a while for him to speak up about the ongoing violence, but better late than never, eh? Arrr, it seems like the ladies' distress has finally made its way to the ears of our dear Prime Minister, indirectly though it may be.
Now, let's set the scene, me hearties! In the state of Manipur, where tigers roam the land and spirits haunt the night, these poor women found themselves at the mercy of some scurvy scoundrels. 'Twas a despicable act, indeed! But fear not, for the Prime Minister has now acknowledged the incident, even if he did so in a rather roundabout way.
Arrr, me hearties, you may be wonderin' what took our fearless leader so long to address the violence in Manipur. Well, let me tell ye, it be a mystery as deep as Davy Jones' locker! Some say he was too busy treasure hunting, others claim he was caught up in a game of high-stakes poker. But whatever the reason may be, it seems our Prime Minister has finally mustered the will to say a few words.
Now, ye may be expectin' some grand soliloquy or a fierce battle cry from our beloved leader, but alas! That be not the case. His comments were as indirect as a drunken sailor's aim. 'Tis a shame, really. We were hopin' for some fiery words that would make those responsible shake in their boots!
But, me hearties, let us not lose hope just yet! For even a small flicker can start a mighty fire. Perhaps this be the first step towards a resolution. Let us hope that our Prime Minister will now take decisive action and put an end to the violence that has plagued Manipur for far too long. Until then, we shall keep a weather eye on the horizon, waitin' for justice to prevail!

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