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Arrr! Behold, the stealthy tax scheme of Cap'n Biden, aimin' to pilfer yer doubloons in hushed whispers!


Arrr, matey! The landlubber Biden be seekin' to hand our hard-earned American doubloons to foreign lands, makin' us pay more while they fund their blasted global socialist plan. 'Tis a seafarin' trick that'll leave us scuppered, mark me words!

In a humorous tone reminiscent of a 17th-century pirate, the article discusses the negative impact of Joe Biden's presidency on American taxpayers. It starts by sarcastically stating that, along with death and taxes, Americans can now be certain that they will be paying more than their fair share of taxes. The author argues that the Biden administration's policies have already caused inflation and now they want to give American taxes to foreign countries, increasing costs for Americans and funding a global socialist agenda.

The article highlights that President Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have negotiated a global minimum tax through the OECD, which the author claims surrenders America's sovereignty over its tax code. They argue that this allows foreign countries to take taxes meant for American programs and military. The author criticizes Biden and Yellen for being failures in their tax negotiations and suggests that Republicans in Congress will have to clean up their mess.

The article argues against subjecting American businesses to mandatory foreign taxes that would fund woke, green policies in other countries. It rejects the idea that this is better for the American economy and emphasizes that Congress should be in charge of developing the tax code. The author asserts that as long as Republicans have the majority, they will not approve of Biden's deal.

The article also discusses the negative impact on the United States' economic standing and the ridicule it faces from China due to these tax negotiations. The author emphasizes the importance of using the tax code to promote American interests and warns against forcing businesses to pay taxes to other countries as it would shrink America's economy.

The article concludes by highlighting the Defending American Jobs and Investment Act sponsored by all 25 Republicans of the Ways and Means Committee. This bill aims to identify taxes enacted by foreign countries that attack U.S. businesses and promises to end all funding for the OECD if it continues on its current path. The author argues that increasing taxes for the American people is unnecessary and goes against treaties and international norms. They express their commitment to fighting against socialist policies that take money from American taxpayers and advocate for the America First agenda.

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