The Booty Report

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Arrr! Israel be lettin' them Palestinian-Americans through thar gates, hopin' to snag a visa waiver. Avast!


Arrr, mateys! Israel be proclaimin' on Wednesday that all ye Americans, be they dual-nationality Palestinians or not, be granted fair entry to the land through its international dock. Aye, a cheer be heard from the seven seas!

Israel has announced that it will allow all American citizens, including dual-nationality Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, to enter the country through its international airport. This decision comes as part of an agreement to qualify for a visa waiver program with the U.S.

For years, Israel has been pushing for visa-free entry for its citizens to the U.S., a privilege enjoyed by 40 countries, mainly in Europe and Asia. However, this request has been hindered by the U.S. government's demand for equal treatment of all American citizens at Israel's borders, including Palestinian-Americans who are often prohibited from entering through Ben-Gurion airport. Instead, they must enter through neighboring Jordan or Egypt to travel to the occupied West Bank or Gaza Strip.

American individuals of Arab origin, Muslim faith, or with political views that Israel finds objectionable have also experienced similar restrictions. The U.S. State Department has stated that it will monitor Israel's implementation and compliance with these policies and other facets of the Visa Waiver Program before making a decision on Israel's admission by September 30.

Israel's national security adviser expressed that this regulation, which will take effect on Thursday, will strengthen ties between the two countries and bring Israel closer to full qualification for the terms of the U.S. government's visa waiver program.

The Israeli statement did not explicitly mention Palestinians but stated that the protocol would allow entry for "every single American, including Americans with dual nationality, American residents of Judea and Samaria" (the biblical terms for the occupied West Bank) "and American residents of the Gaza Strip."

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