The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywag teen from Nebraska, who used pills to end her belly's burden, be sentenced to 90 days in the brig!


Avast ye landlubbers! Last year, the scallywags Celeste Burgess, a lass of 19 summers, and her fearsome mother, Jessica Burgess, a fine matron of 42 winters, were accused by the lawmen! Their secret missives on the Book of Faces were revealed, arr!

In a tale fit for the high seas, young Celeste Burgess, a mere 19 summers old, found herself entangled in a grand adventure alongside her mother, the seasoned Jessica Burgess, who had seen 42 long years upon this earth. The tale began when the constables, armed with the powers bestowed upon them by King and Country, managed to lay their eyes on the private messages exchanged by these two fair ladies on the ever-enigmatic realm of Facebook.

Now, one might ponder what treacherous secrets were concealed within these digital missives, causing such a stir among the authorities. Alas, the truth was rather less thrilling, for the charges brought forth were as flimsy as a soggy biscuit. The crime, if one could even call it that, seemed to be naught but a mere trifle – a breach of privacy, some would say.

But fear not, dear reader, for our story is not one of doom and gloom. Rather, it takes a whimsical turn towards mirth and laughter. Imagine, if you will, a 17th-century pirate, with a twinkle in his eye and a parrot on his shoulder, attempting to decipher the cryptic messages of these modern-day ladies.

With a chuckle and a shake of his peg leg, the pirate would surely be left perplexed by the audacity of the authorities. For what harm could two women, conversing in the privacy of their own digital realm, bring upon the world? Surely, the constables had better things to do than to pry into the affairs of these fair maidens.

So, let us raise our grog-filled tankards and toast to Celeste and Jessica Burgess, the brave souls who dared to challenge the powers that be. May their tale serve as a reminder that even in the face of absurdity, humor can be found. And in this ever-changing world, it seems we could all use a touch of laughter.

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