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Arrr! A young lass from Kashmir, a mere 11 years o' age, begs to cross paths wit' her rebel father, bein' imprisoned in India.


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Young Razia Sultan, a wee lass of 11 summers, be beggin' the noble New Delhi to grant her the pleasure of meetin' her captive sire, that gallant Kashmiri rebel leader, Mohammed Yasin Malik. Shiver me timbers, give the poor girl her heart's desire!

The daughter of a prominent Kashmiri rebel leader, Mohammed Yasin Malik, made an emotional appeal for her father's release in a televised speech. Razia Sultan, 11, urged the Indian government to allow her to meet her ailing father, who was sentenced to life in prison on charges of terrorism and sedition. She held Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi responsible for any harm caused to her father and expressed hope for his eventual release, stating that he had been wrongly sentenced in a "fake case."
Mohammed Yasin Malik was arrested in 2019 and sentenced to life imprisonment last year. His arrest led to clashes between protesters and police in Indian-controlled Kashmir. The Indian National Investigation Agency has also sought the death penalty for Malik, although the court has yet to make a ruling on that. During his trial, Malik maintained his innocence, describing himself as a freedom fighter. He had previously led the banned Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, but later shifted to a peaceful struggle against Indian rule in Kashmir.
The disputed region of Kashmir is claimed by both Pakistan and India and has been a source of conflict between the two countries for decades. The majority of Muslim Kashmiris support the goal of independence or merger with Pakistan. The emotional plea of Razia Sultan highlights the personal toll of the ongoing conflict and the impact it has on families separated by political disputes.

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