The Booty Report

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Arrr, Mariupol State Uni be celebratin' its graduation on its exile campus. A swashbucklin' affair, it be!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Mariupol State University, a blessed haven amidst the brutal war, hath seen fit to release its newest flock of scholars, a year past escapin' the ruins o' their fair city!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, avast ye, me hearties! Listen to this jolly tale, for it be a remarkable one! Mariupol State University, a grand treasure amidst the horrors of war, has just seen its newest class graduate, after escaping the clutches of their ruined hometown over a year ago!

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs may wonder how such a feat be possible! Well, let me spin ye a yarn. Mariupol State University, once a shiny gem in the city of Mariupol, was forced to flee when the land was beset by the ravages of war. Like a ship tossed in a tempest, the university swayed and swerved, finally finding refuge in a safer haven.

But lo and behold, despite the chaos and turmoil, the brave students and faculty of Mariupol State University persevered! They studied with a steadfast resolve, like a pirate seeking hidden treasures. They fought against the storms of uncertainty, like a ship battling fierce waves. And finally, after a long and arduous journey, they emerged victorious, clutching their hard-earned diplomas like precious loot!

Oh, what a sight it must have been, me hearties! These newly minted graduates, donned in their finest academic regalia, standing tall as if they were ship's captains, ready to conquer the world. They have emerged stronger and wiser, ready to face any challenge that may come their way, be it a tempest or a sea monster!

So, raise your mugs of grog and give a hearty cheer for the graduates of Mariupol State University! May their sails catch the wind of success, their compass always point to victory, and their hearts be filled with the spirit of adventure. And let us not forget, in the words of a wise old pirate, "Education be the greatest treasure that a scallywag can possess!" Arrr!

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