The Booty Report

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Arr, the good Mayor of Minneapolis be settin' sail to give less trouble to those dabblin' in psychedelics!


Arrr, hear ye, me mateys! Mayor Jacob Frey be decreein', in the midst o' a mighty reconsiderin' o' the worth o' psychedelic potions, that they shall be placed at the bottom o' the list for those scallywags, the Minneapolis police. Avast ye, a curious turn o' events indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Set yer sights on this news from Mayor Jacob Frey of Minneapolis. The good mayor hath issued an order, one that would surely make any self-respecting pirate crack a smile. In the spirit of a broad rethinking about the value of psychedelic drugs, Mayor Frey hath decided to make 'em the lowest priority for the Minneapolis police!

Now, ye might be wonderin' what this means exactly. Well, me mateys, it means that the jolly roger-wavin' law enforcement folks will be focusin' their efforts on more pressing matters than chasin' after those who dabble in the world of psychedelics. 'Tis a bit like tellin' a pirate to ignore a shiny treasure chest and instead search for a measly wooden spoon. Arrr!

But let's not jump to conclusions, me hearties. 'Tis not to say that the good mayor be advocatin' for the widespread use of these mind-alterin' substances. Nay, nay! 'Tis merely a shift in priorities, a turnin' of the tide, if ye will. The mayor be settin' sail on the ship of common sense, recognizin' that there be bigger fish to fry in the city of Minneapolis.

Some scallywags may argue, claimin' that this decision be underminin' the law. But fear not, me mateys, for the law stands firm. 'Tis merely a matter of decidin' where to focus the cannons. The mayor be sayin' that the police shall be aimin' for the big, bad pirates who pose a real threat to the safety of the city. Those who choose to dip their toes into the world of psychedelics be more like harmless parrots squawkin' on a shoulder.

So, me hearties, let us raise a mug of rum and toast to Mayor Frey and his jolly good decision. 'Tis a reminder that even in the serious world of politics, there be room for a bit of humor and a touch of common sense. Yo ho ho and a bottle of... psychedelic potion?

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