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Arrr! The cunning IRS rats be spillin' the beans on who's truly at fault fer old Biden's corrupt shenanigans!


Arr, me hearties! Them IRS whistleblowers who spokeeth afore the grand Capitol Hill be no landlubbers! They be seasoned scallywags, and no matter how them Hill Democrats tried, they couldn't swashbuckle their way out o' their testimony!

In a marathon House hearing on Wednesday, Oversight Committee Democrats were met with strong opposition from two IRS whistleblower agents, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler. These agents revealed how President Joe Biden's Justice Department hindered the investigation into Biden's corruption while pretending to maintain independence and integrity. When the Committee Democrats tried to challenge the agents' testimony, they were bombarded with damning evidence regarding the millions of dollars received by the president's son and family members from corrupt regimes.

The performance of the agents came as no surprise to those familiar with criminal tax investigations. The tax code is a complex area of the law, and experienced investigators like Shapley and Ziegler have a deeper understanding of it than most prosecutors. They have decades of education and experience in tax law and financial bookkeeping practices, making them experts in their field.

During the hearing, the agents effectively countered the disinformation presented by Jamie Raskin, the ranking Democrat on the panel. Raskin attempted to argue that prosecutors and agents often disagree on whether felony charges should be brought, but the agents explained that, in this case, the case agents and line prosecutors agreed on the need for felony charges. It was the higher-ups in the Justice Department who halted the case.

The agents emphasized that prosecutors ordered them not to follow leads that could have provided evidence against Joe Biden. Despite facing numerous obstacles, they built a strong case against Hunter Biden, but were unable to proceed because U.S. Attorney David Weiss claimed he lacked the authority due to restrictions from the Biden Justice Department. However, Weiss's statements have been inconsistent, and his account contradicts Shapley's corroborated testimony.

While Weiss may be seen as a weasel, the true responsibility lies with Attorney General Merrick Garland. Garland failed to appoint a special counsel despite the clear conflict of interest presented by the Biden Justice Department investigating the president's son. The protection of President Biden became Garland's top priority, leading to the sabotage of the investigation described by the whistleblowers. Weiss is merely a scapegoat for Garland's actions.

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