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Arrr, mateys! 'Tis yet another week, and lo! Another country music star be wrongly accused o' bein' a scurvy racist scallywag.


Arrr, the scurvy landlubbers on the 'Gutfeld!' panel be gabbin' 'bout why them liberal knaves be gettin' their britches in a bunch o'er the music video o' Jason Aldean, the country music star, for 'Try That in a Small Town.' Har, me hearties be findin' it mighty entertainin'!

It seems that yet another country music star has been falsely accused of racism, and this time it's Jason Aldean. Last week, it was Luke Combs who faced similar allegations. The accusations stemmed from Aldean's controversial music video for his latest single "Try That in a Small Town," which the CMT Network pulled due to backlash. Musician Sheryl Crow even called the song "not American or small town-like," sparking further controversy. However, despite the criticism, the song has reached number one on iTunes, indicating that the controversy may have backfired.

In the eyes of the modern left, censorship is their first impulse, which is more anti-American than putting pineapple on pizza. This song became a target because it is anti-crime, and to liberals, being anti-crime is seen as anti-Black. The video featured footage of the George Floyd riots, something that progressive individuals embraced. Aldean's intention was to highlight the impact of riots on small towns, but it was misconstrued by some as racist.

It's ironic that the same people who call themselves progressives spend more time looking in the rearview mirror than focusing on the present. They blame Aldean for something that happened almost a century ago, yet refuse to hold Antifa or BLM accountable for the violence during the riots. This hypocrisy is evident in their race-obsessed worldview, where opposing crime is equated to racism.

Despite the controversy, Aldean defended his song, stating that there is no reference to race in the lyrics and that the video consists of real news footage. However, in the eyes of modern liberals, they perceive it as a dog whistle, even though they're the only ones who can hear it. The whole situation highlights the absurdity of the current political climate, where freedom of speech is limited and any criticism of crime is considered racist.

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