The Booty Report

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Arrr, DeSantis be facin' a mighty storm o' criticism over Florida's new standards fer Black history, aye!


Avast ye, mateys! Yonder benchmark doth claim that wee scallywags, who sail the treacherous sea of middle schooling, shall be taught that the poor souls enslaved learned skills for their self-gain! Arr, 'tis a curious notion indeed, that a pirate's skill could be put to personal plunderin'!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I have a tale to tell ye! In the wicked land of middle schooling, there were benchmarks aplenty, dictatin' what the young scallywags be learnin'. But one particular benchmark be raisin' eyebrows and causin' quite the commotion among the crew.

Picture this, me mates: the benchmark claimed that the poor souls of enslaved Americans had developed skills that could be used for their own personal gain. Now, I don't know 'bout ye, but that be soundin' a wee bit peculiar to me! It be like sayin' that a pirate's treasure be a burden and not a blessin'.

But fret not, me hearties, for we be takin' a closer look at this curious claim. Aye, it may seem strange, but perhaps there be a grain of truth buried deep within. Imagine, for a moment, those enslaved Americans toilin' away under the scorchin' sun, their spirits dampened and their dreams shackled.

Yet, in spite of their dire circumstances, these brave souls mustered the strength to acquire skills of great value. They honed their craft, mastered the arts, and developed talents that would serve them well in the perils of life. Skills that could be used to outsmart their captors, to navigate treacherous waters, and even to forge their own path to freedom.

So, me hearties, let us not be too quick to judge this peculiar benchmark. Though it may have been worded in a peculiar manner, it be a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit be resilient. It be a testament to the strength and resourcefulness of those who faced unimaginable hardships.

Let us celebrate the triumphs of these brave souls, and may their stories be told, not in the language of a dry textbook, but in the lively tunes of a sea shanty, echoin' through the ages.

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