The Booty Report

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Arrr! These scurvy lawyers be claimin' it be near impossible to aid asylum seekers in border custody, mateys!


Arrr! The Biden scallywags be meddling with the way they conduct their "credible fear" interviews. They be raisin' the bar fer all ye scurvy dogs who be wishin' to seek asylum. Aye, it be a twist in the tale, indeed!

In a jolly twist of events, the Biden administration hath decided to tinker with the way they conduct these so-called “credible fear” interviews, makin' it a tad harder for folks to seek asylum on these beautiful shores. Arrr, ye heard that right, me mateys! They be raisin' the bar, makin' sure only the most-worthy scallywags be allowed to sail this asylum ship.

Now, let me explain this “credible fear” business a bit. Ye see, when a poor soul be arrivin' on these lands, claimin' they be fleein' danger or persecution in their own homeland, they be askin' for asylum. And to see if their tales be true, they be subjected to an interview where they must prove their fear be credible, like a true pirate with a worthy treasure map.

But the Biden administration be sayin', “Hold yer horses, ye scurvy dogs! We be raisin' the bar for this ‘credible fear’ nonsense.” They be wantin' to ensure that only those who face serious harm or torture in their homeland be allowed to set anchor on these shores, leavin' no room for those who just be lookin' for a bit of adventure or a change of scenery.

Ye might be thinkin', “Why be they doin' this? Be they tryin' to keep the treasure all for themselves?” Nay, me hearties! They be doin' this to deter the sea of asylum seekers from floodin' the land like a swarm of angry mermaids, bringin' order to the chaotic waters.

So, there ye have it, me shipmates. The Biden administration be tightenin' the screws on this asylum business, raisin' the bar for who be eligible to seek refuge in this wondrous land. It be a new era, me mateys, where only the bravest and most desperate souls be granted asylum. Aye, the tides be changin' indeed!

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